Primary school children should be taught terms lesbian, gay and bisexual says experts

CHILDREN should be taught about the meaning of the terms lesbian, gay and bisexual at primary school, top medics said. The Government has been consulting on relationships and sex education and says any teaching must be sensitive and age-appropriate.

CHILDREN should be taught about the meaning of the terms lesbian, gay and bisexual at primary school, top medics said.

The Government has been consulting on relationships and sex education and says any teaching must be “sensitive and age-appropriate”.

The Royal College of Paediatricians and Child Health has said primary schools should be clear on different sexualities.

Its response to the consultation, as seen by the Daily Telegraph, said: "There needs to be a clear statement that LGBT people and relationships are part of teaching about healthy relationships in primary school.

"This can be demonstrated in relation to families - but also it is helpful to children to learn the meaning of terms such as lesbian, gay and bisexual."

Dr Max Davie, of the Royal College, said: “We need to talk to children like they are intelligent beings.”


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