Brave director criticises Disney's 'sexualised' Princess Merida redesign | Film

Disney has been fiercely criticised for creating a "glammed-up" version of Princess Merida from the Pixar fantasy fairytale Brave for a new toy line. Bow-slinging Merida has been given a makeover in advance of her official induction into The Disney Princess Collection. She now appears slimmer, older and somewhat sexualised, in comparison to the teenage

This article is more than 10 years old

Brave director criticises Disney's 'sexualised' Princess Merida redesign

This article is more than 10 years oldThe character's creator says Disney's new version of her hero 'send[s] a message that the original, realistic girl is inferior'

Disney has been fiercely criticised for creating a "glammed-up" version of Princess Merida from the Pixar fantasy fairytale Brave for a new toy line.

Bow-slinging Merida has been given a makeover in advance of her official induction into The Disney Princess Collection. She now appears slimmer, older and somewhat sexualised, in comparison to the teenage tomboy from last year's Oscar-winning animation.

A petition launched on the website calling on the studio to return the character to her more realistic origins has reached more than 100,000 signatures in just over a week and gained the support of Merida's creator Brenda Chapman.

Addressed to Disney chairman Bob Iger, the petition reads: "Merida was the princess that countless girls and their parents were waiting for – a strong, confident, self-rescuing princess ready to set off on her next adventure with her bow at the ready. She was a princess who looked like a real girl, complete with the 'imperfections' that all people have.

"The redesign of Merida in advance of her official induction to the Disney Princess collection does a tremendous disservice to the millions of children for whom Merida is an empowering role model who speaks to girls' capacity to be change agents in the world rather than just trophies to be admired. Moreover, by making her skinnier, sexier and more mature in appearance, you are sending a message to girls that the original, realistic, teenage-appearing version of Merida is inferior; that for girls and women to have value – to be recognised as true princesses – they must conform to a narrow definition of beauty."

Chapman, who was replaced by Mark Andrews part way through the production of Brave but maintained a co-director's credit, said Disney had completely missed the point when creating the new version of her creation. "I think it's atrocious what they have done to Merida," she wrote to her local newspaper, the Marin Independent Journal. "When little girls say they like it because it's more sparkly, that's all fine and good but, subconsciously, they are soaking in the sexy 'come-hither' look and the skinny aspect of the new version. It's horrible!

"Merida was created to break that mould," she added. "To give young girls a better, stronger role model, a more attainable role model, something of substance, not just a pretty face that waits around for romance."

To make matters worse, the new Merida appears wearing a tight dress for which the princess herself expressed hatred in the film. Disney has so far attempted to sidestep the issue by releasing a statement which neither condemns nor praises the petition. "Merida exemplifies what it means to be a Disney Princess through being brave, passionate, and confident," the studio told Yahoo! Shine. "She remains the same strong and determined Merida from the movie whose inner qualities have inspired moms and daughters around the world."

